Research within the framework of THEFBO, was presented at the Integrated Microscopy Approaches in Archaeobotany Workshop by Mila Andonova, Sebastian Million and Ingrid Slezner. Our poster-presentation was entitled: “Archaeobotany of basketry: identification of Neolithic coiled baskets from the pile dwelling settlements, at the Lake Constance, Germany” and was included in the “Archaeobotany of unusual materials” section.
„Our exhibition intends to highlight textile archaeology and the importance of textiles for communities on their way from nomadic to settled lifestyle. Textiles are not only clothing: therefore, our exhibition highlights the variety of different functions which will not only be presented in texts and figures. The exhibition provides quizzes, audio stations and other hands-on stations as well as several illustrations and texts which are written in easy to understand language.”
Am 10.12.2019 veranstaltet das Institut für Ur- und Frühgeschichte der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg im Rahmen des THEFBO-Projekts das Kolloquium „Einfach genial – genial einfach. Schnüre und Seile im prähistorischen Alltag“. Weiterführender Link: hier.
From 4th to 7th September the 25th EAA Annual Meeting took place in Bern. About 2000 archaeologists and scientists met for a professional exchange. THEFBO was part of this year's conference with the session "Organic Containers and Ceramic - Supplementary or Counterweight?
In addition to a proseminar on prehistoric textiles made of wood bast, students of the Prehistoric and Early Historical Institute of the FAU were able to gain their first practical experience in the production and handling of lime bast in the summer semester of 2019 as part of an exercise.
From Monday 20th – Friday 24th May 2019 the 14th ICOM-CC Conference on Wet Organic Archaeological Materials took place in Portsmouth, UK (www.woam2019.org.uk; #woam2019). Experts from all over the world presented their research on decay, conservation, monitoring and documentation of wet organic archaeological finds.
Am 15.02.2019 trafen sich einige Mitglieder des THEFBO-Projektes im Rahmen eines Museologie-Workshops im Federseemuseum Bad Buchau.
In den 1980ger Jahren wurden über fünftausend Jahre alte Textilien im Bodensee (Hornstaad-Hörnle) geborgen. Anschließend erfolgte die Konservierung und Restaurierung des Fundmaterials. Aber wie ist der Zustand der Funde fast vierzig Jahre später? Anhand von Stichproben soll dieser Frage auf den Grund gegangen werden.
Der Besuch der Kantonsarchäologie Zürich und des Sammlungszentrums des Schweizerischen Nationalmuseums wurde von Ingrid Stelzner koordiniert, die im Rahmen von THEFBO als Konservierungswissenschaftlerin am Curt-Engelhorn-Zentrum Archäometrie gGmbH in Mannheim beschäftigt ist.