Dr. Małgorzata Siennicka is an archaeologist with a research focus on the Bronze Age Aegean and the Eastern Mediterranean in general, and more specifically on textile production, craftsmanship, small finds, early balance weights and metrology, settlements, and architecture. In her PhD (OIKIΣMOΣ. Spatial and Social Organisation of Late Helladic III Mycenae and Contemporary Settlements in the Argolid, 2010, Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw) she studied social and spatial organisation of the Mycenaean settlements in the Argolid. As a Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant holder at the Centre for Textile Research on the University of Copenhagen (2013-2017) she studied textile tools from the Early Bronze Age Mainland Greece. She also managed (2013-2018) an international research project 'First Textiles' about the beginnings of textile production in Europe and the Near East. In 2017-2020, she was an ERC associate at the University of Göttingen in the research project 'WEIGHTANDVALUE: Weight metrology and its economic and social impact on Bronze Age Europe, West and South Asia'. Currently, she studies textile tools from Middle Bronze Age Argos in Greece.